Taxonomy: Class Blastocystea
Animal: Blastocystis hominis 7 02.jpg
Sites: Gut
Blastocystis hominis - granular form. The avacuolar form changes to a multi-vacuolar form and then a central vacuolar form and then a granular form (all 5-20 microns with 1-4 nuclei) when cultured or passed in faeces. These forms were thought to be possibly the typical and only forms of B.hominis but they are not the forms in the colon. The granular form is similar to the Vacuolar form apart from the presence of granules which vary in contents. CM cell membrane, CVM central vacuole membrane, CV central vacuole, L-lipid, mg- myelin - like granules, V vacuole.(EM by Deb Stenzel). see 6 05.
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